Wednesday, December 3, 2014


It's a secret.  It's true!  The Name of this Book is Secret, that's the first book in the "secret series" by Pseudonymous Bosch (heads up-this is also a Reading Olympics book).  As you might imagine, this book is suspenseful and full of intrigue, but in my opinion those things aren't the real selling point of this book.

What made this book great is the tone in which it is written.  It's reads just like someone is telling you a secret, even though the act of telling is against their better judgement.  Listen to this warning from the beginning of the book:

"Generally speaking, books don't cause much harm.  Except when you read them, that is.  Then they cause all kinds of problems.  Books can, for example, give you ideas.  I don't know if you've ever had an idea before, but, if you have, you know how much trouble an idea can get you into...But the main reason this book is so dangerous is that it contains a secret." 

This book follows the story of Cass and Max-Earnest (if those are even their real names) as they try to figure out the source of a host of mysterious happenings.  Cass and Max-Earnest both have their own quirks, Cass is working to become a survivalist while Max-Earnest can't seem to stop talking, but that's nothing compared to the very unique people they run into on their journey.  Mix in a little alchemy (is that really a spoiler-most big secrets can be traced back to alchemy) and you have the makings of a big adventure.  

Overall a very engaging read.  Throughout the first half of the book I wasn't sure if I would finish the series, but now that I've finished the book I just have to see what happens next. 

Telling a secret...that's kids stuff.   

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