Thursday, October 13, 2016

Wait...this is a Science Book

It's no secret I am not a science person.  I took Chemistry for Living in college (because I heard a rumor the final lab was making ice cream) and I must have an answer key whenever I am helping students with science otherwise I'm no help at all.

Science fiction, on the other hand, is a bit of a different story.  So even though I was skeptical, how could I not be with a title like Tesla's Attic, I ended up really enjoying this story (even with the science references).

Neal Shusterman and Eric Elfman's Tesla's Attic tells the story of 14 year old Nick.  It picks up right as Nick, his father, and brother are forced to move to Colorado after their old house burns down.  As if that transition wasn't hard enough the boys are on their own as their mother was killed in the fire.  Searching for some normalcy Nick holds a garage sale and tries to sell off all the weird junk that was in the attic.

Turns out that weird junk was designed by the famous scientist Nikola Tesla so the toaster isn't just a toaster and that old camera is so much more than an old camera.  That junk units Nick with a core group of friends and leads them all into an adventure of epic (think armageddon) proportions.

So I may not be a science person...but I will definitely be reading the next two books in this trilogy.

Finding use for junk...that's kids stuff.  

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