Thursday, April 9, 2015

Let's Start a Club

On this dreary Thursday I am throwing it back to one of my favorite series.  I remember devouring all of these books and always being excited whenever a new one came out.  Not only did I love reading these books, but they inspired hours of games I played with my friends.

What were these wonderful books?  It was the series started by Ann M. Martin, The Babysitters Cub (or BSC as the cool kids called it).  I loved reading about this group of girls and all of their adventures.  And they inspired me to babysit myself which is how I got all of my spending money in high school.  I even worked as a nanny during graduate school.

As the title implies, it's about a group of friends who decide to start a babysitters club-they meet and people can call to book a babysitter.  They divide up the jobs so everyone gets a chance to make some extra money.  The books are really about the girls read.  Some of the references may be a little dated at this point but I think the next generation of girls would still enjoy these books.

Many people will dismiss these books on the grounds that they don't have "literary merit."  While I do try to focus on books with substance (Newbery Winners, Reading Olympics Books, ALA book lists) I don't want to discount fun reads like this.  ANY reading is GOOD reading!

Sure some books may not challenge students in the same way, but they are still improving their fluency, mental stamina and focus.  Most importantly  they are developing a love of reading.  Series like The Babysitters Club are part of what made me a lifelong reader.  They were fun to read so they made me like reading.  And that is worth more than any medal.

Loving what you read...that's kids stuff

P.S.  I love the Newbery Winners, Reading Olympic Books and ALA book lists-but they aren't the only books worth reading or the only books that have value.

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