Thursday, October 20, 2011

Sweet Pain

Charles J Finger's Tales From Silver Lands is a collection of South American Indian stories.  The characters range from giants to witches, undersea people to fairy folk and the tales are a delight to read.  They have all of the wonder of the fairy tales I grew up with but with all of the wonderments of a different culture.  I am familiar with may Greek and Roman myths, and European Fairy Tales but I have never read anything quite like these.  What's great about this book is that it is a colelction of short tales so even if you don't have a lot of time, which is me most of these days, you can still get your story fix (trust me that's a thing, sometimes you just need a good story).

What I love about most tales/legands/whatever you want to call them is that they often contain little nuggets of wisdom.  Just a quick line that may not have a whole lot to do with the story but it makes you stop nonetheless. Tales From Silver Lands  is no exception.

"The truth is what the heart hungers for, the tongue talks of."  What a great way of saying, if you really want something you're going to talk about it-a lot. 

"The joy in their hearts was more like a sweet pain."  We've all had that feeling, but I never knew quite how to describe it until now.

Finding the wisdom in stories...that's kids stuff 

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