Monday, November 2, 2015

What if...

Scott Westerfeld's Uglies is exactly the kind of book for me.  Uglies is set in a futuristic dystopian society (like The Giver, The Hunger Games, Divergent, etc-so if you liked those books this one will be great for you).  Imagine..

What if there was a society where nobody fought?  What if the main divisions between people were all based on the differences in the ways people look (could we argue that's true today).  So what if when people turned 16 they were given surgery to become beautiful?  What if nobody fought because everybody was pretty?

This is the kind of society that Tally lives in.  Just weeks from her 16th birthday she can't wait to become pretty and cross the river from Uglyville into New Pretty Town.  All of her friends have already become pretty and Tally is desperate to join them.  But what if not everyone wants to be pretty?

Tally's new friend Shay has some strange ideas about the whole pretty surgery.  She's not interested in becoming pretty. So she runs away.  Tally can't bring herself to go with her but Shay leaves directions in case Tally should every change her mind.

What if Tally changes her mind? What if she decides to give up being pretty?  What would happen then?

Uglies is a fantastic read-and even better it's part of a series.  And just a heads up Uglies is a cliffhanger so you'll want the next books in the series, Pretties, Specials and Extras.  

Learning what it means to be pretty...that's kids stuff.  

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