Tuesday, September 6, 2016

What a World

Richard and Evelyn live in this amazing futuristic world.  Their father is a rule-bending scientist with a passion for the environment, as evidenced by the family's hovercraft which is quite literally a flying tree house.  Their mother is much more of a rule-follower. Ricky and Evelyn are quite the blend of their parents.

When their father is placed under house arrest it is up to Richard and Evelyn to make his dream a reality.  Turn the island of trash, literally an island of waste/garbage just floating in the ocean, into an actual island where people can live.  How do they do that?  No worries their dad came up with a formula back when he was in school.  The kids just have to pick it up.  Sorry did I say just, you know it's never just anything.  Their father put it better:

"Richard, Evelyn, listen to me.  You are about to infiltrate the headquarters of an international police organization under false pretenses.  You are going to search for a scientist who has been missing for over a decade. You are doing this in order to create a substance that could save the world or, in the wrong hands, destroy it.  Your mission is next to impossible, and is almost certainly dangerous.  So while you are on your quest, I beg you, whatever you do, don't tell your mother."

Reclaiming the Earth...that's kids stuff.  

PS It's a series!!

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