Saturday, December 6, 2014

Ripple Effect

Margaret Peterson Haddix is quickly becoming one of my new favorite authors.  Her stories are engaging, suspenseful and interesting while still being readable (aka even struggling reader will be able to understand the story-it's not so full of high level vocabulary and literary devices that it becomes hard to understand).  These stories are also written from the young main characters perspective, something many of my students really love.

Currently I read Margaret Peterson Haddix's Found.  This is book 1 in her new series, "The Missing."  I suspected this book would be good because I read the Among the Hidden series and loved it.  This new series is completely different but just as good.

Jonah is 13 and he's always known that he was adopted (seeing as how his parents have read every book on doing adoption right), but the records were sealed so he doesn't know anything about his birth parents.  That doesn't really bother Jonah because he's never really wondered about it, he's comfortable with his adoptive family and things are good.  Well, until Jonah starts receiving mysterious notes in the mail.  And his new friend Chip learns he is adopted when he starts receiving the same notes.  Things get even weirder when they learn the FBI was involved with the initial phases of the adoption.

Once Jonah, his sister Katherine, and Chip start diving into the mystery behind the adoptions things really get interesting.  I would love to tell you about it but that would spoil the book.  You'll just have to read it yourself to see what happens.  The title of this post is a clue though...

Finding your past....that's kids stuff

PS We were lucky enough to get the rest of the series at the book fair so I will be finishing them over the weekend!

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