The book is full of little pearls of wisdom, so for this post I am going to share a couple (and some of my favorite funny moments.
"When you have lived a few more years you will not make such foolish remarks." This was said as a gentle scolding to Young Fu. I agree that children sometimes make foolish remarks, but I love hearing them!
"Li was not very successful about hiding things in his brain" I think this is a much better way to say someone can't keep a secret.
"Fu Be Be sighed. She might as well accept calmly what life brought of good or ill." Cause what else are you gonna do?
"Their argument had already reached the stage of discrediting ancestors." A much better way of saying "your mom" or the slightly more scathing, "yo mama."
This book is a great tale of growing up. What I loved about it was that it didn't show growing up as a linear progression, but it shows growing up like it really is: you grow a little then you feel like you take a step backwards, then suddenly you're there.
Finding life's pearls of wisdom...that's kids stuff.
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